Fresh Food of Plant Origin (PSAT) Circulation Permit Management Services

Obtaining a distribution permit for fresh food of plant origin is a process involving various permits, regulations and standards that must be met before fresh food of plant origin can be traded or consumed by the public. This is done to ensure that the food is safe, of good quality, and in accordance with applicable regulations.

Jasa Pengurusan Izin Edar Pangan Segar Asal Tumbuhan (PSAT)

Table of Contents

What is PSAT?

Fresh Food of Plant Origin or PSAT for short is food of plant origin that can be consumed directly or that can become raw material for processed food after undergoing processing. The minimum includes washing, peeling, cooling, freezing, cutting, drying, salting, mixing, grinding, dipping, and other processes without the addition of other food additives, with the exception of coating with other permitted auxiliary materials to extend the shelf life.

What are the things to look out for in PSAT?

In PSAT there is PSAT Safety where PSA Safety is the conditions and efforts needed to prevent PSAT from the possibility of biological, chemical, and other objects that can interfere with, harm, and endanger human health and do not conflict with religion, beliefs, and culture of the community so that it is safe for consumption.

Where for the term PSAT itself has many meanings where the Quality of Fresh Food of Plant Origin, hereinafter referred to as PSAT Quality, is a value determined on the basis of safety criteria and food nutritional content. Also, the Food Safety Competent Authority, hereinafter abbreviated as OKKP, is a work unit of the Government and Regional Government at the provincial / regency / city level, so you already understand what the meaning of PSAT itself is.

As an example, vegetables and fruits as products that are often consumed directly by the public, so to ensure the safety and quality of PSAT in circulation, supervision must be carried out starting from the stages of production, harvest, post-harvest, distribution process to consumers, which in this case is the community Supervision of the safety and quality of Fresh Food of Plant Origin in circulation is carried out by Food Security Division Officers of the Food Security and Agriculture Service.

What is the Purpose of PSAT?

  1. Providing Quality Assurance and Food Safety
  2. Providing Public Protection and Security
  3. Facilitate traceability of possible deviations in the quality and safety of food products
  4. Increase added value and product interchangeability

Bagaimana Sistem, Mekanisme dan Prosedur PSAT?

Permohonan Izin Edar PSAT

The process of obtaining a fresh food of plant origin distribution license may vary from country to country. The following are the steps:

  1. Submission of SPPB Level 3 registration application to the competent authority.
  2. Completeness check of application documents to ensure all requirements are met.
  3. Appointment of an officer or inspection team by the Head of OKKP-D (Regional Food Safety Competent authority) or Head of the Food Security Service Office.
  4. The inspection officer or team conducts the field assessment in accordance with the established inspection guidelines.
  5. Submission of the final assessment report by the officer or inspection team to the OKKP-D Chairperson.
  6. The OKKP-D Chair assigns a technical commission to conduct a review of the application for issuance of the Certificate of Hygiene Sanitation Implementation Level and/or the PD-UK PSAT registration number.
  7. Technical commission meetings can be held if technical considerations from experts are required.
  8. If the results of the review or recommendations of the technical commission indicate the need for corrective action, the applicant will be informed to make improvements.
  9. If within 2 (two) weeks after the recommendation for improvement from the reviewer or technical commission is submitted, the business actor has not taken corrective action, the business actor must reapply.

By following these steps, obtaining a fresh food of plant origin distribution permit can run smoothly and ensure that the product meets all the necessary standards before it can be traded or consumed.

PSAT Registration Requirements

Administrative Requirements

  1. Copy of Applicant’s ID Card
  2. Copy of NPWP
  3. Copy of company establishment deed and its amendments (Gafoktan certificate)
  4. Copy of Trade Business License (SIUP)
  5. Copy of Company Registration Certificate (TDP)
  6. Copy of Business Place Permit
  7. Copy of trademark certificate for products that include trade mark (TM) and Registered marks
  8. Copy of group determination letter/notarial act or by-laws for farmer groups
  9. Work contract for the provision of maklon services


Technical Requirements

  1. Has established sanitary hygiene
  2. Plan of product handling room
  3. Product certificate
  4. List of suppliers and customers
  5. Process flow chart
  6. Standard operating procedure (SOP) and sanitation standard operating procedure (SSOP)
  7. Copy of certificate or letter of claim on the label (e.g. halal, SNI)
  8. Copy of license letter for licensed products
  9. Copy of repackager certificate
  10. Product samples and packaging and label design
  11. Copy of certificate of inspection of sanitation hygiene implementation at PSAT production and distribution facilities
  12. Copy of certificate of attendance of sanitation hygiene training
  13. Copy of product testing report
  14. Copy of PSAT quality and safety assurance certificate.

Interested in Using PSAT Circulation Permit Management Services?

If you have any questions and inquiries regarding our PSAT distribution permit process, please feel free to ask us and our staff will be happy to assist and provide solutions to your needs.

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